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December 2022 issue

Read a compilation of content published in December, including highlights of interviews with ACCA members profiled in the last year, who reveal their passion and fascination for life, business and everything

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CPD special edition December 2022

Earn up to 11 CPD units by reading these articles published in AB in recent months. In the process, you will learn how to develop leadership skills, keep up to date with developments in financial reporting, and find out about how the latest trends in emerging technology might affect finance professionals.

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November 2022 issue

Read a compilation of content published in November, including an interview with Ronnie Delaney FCCA, CEO of Obelisk, the infrastructure specialist responsible for keeping telecoms and energy networks running

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October 2022 issue

Read a compilation of content published in October, including an interview with Siobhan Blackwell FCCA, vice president in trading business management at TD Securities, on how mountaineering challenges have shaped her approach to work

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September 2022 issue

Read a compilation of content published in September, including an interview with Becky Bristow FCCA, executive director of Dogs Trust Ireland, on combining a love of animals with business acumen

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August 2022 issue

Read a compilation of content published in August, including an interview with Fiona Bones FCCA, Google vice president and international controller, on a career that’s taken her from Ireland to Australia

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July 2022 issue

Read a compilation of articles published in July, including an interview with Andrew McQueen FCCA, MD of Smoothie Factory UK and Ireland, on post-pandemic career change

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June 2022 issue

Read a compilation of stories published in June, including an in-depth analysis of the risk and compliance issues employers face as demand for hybrid working escalates

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Skills special edition 2022

With the business environment transforming before our very eyes and new challenges emerging, such as sustainability, inflation, recession and a tight labour market, professional accountants are finding that new skills are needed in order to cope. This special edition of AB looks at skills in green finance, fintech, communication and ethics, among other topics.

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May 2022 issue

Read a compilation of stories published in April, including an interview with Paul Burke FCCA, head of fund accounting with Link Fund Solutions (Ireland), on how sporting success has helped him navigate fintech challenges

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April 2022 issue

Read a compilation of stories published in April, including an interview with ACCA Ireland chair Jason Murphy FCCA on embedding the principles of sustainability and inclusivity into business

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March 2022 issue

Read a compilation of stories published in March, including an interview with Saragh Fitzpatrick ACCA, CFO of the Houses of the Oireachtas Service, on streamlining operations at the 100-year-old institution

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Late-career special edition 2022

As we advance towards the later stages of our careers, inevitably thoughts turn to planning for retirement. Whether you intend to keep professionally active for as long as possible or have thoughts of a second career, the transition needs careful management. This special edition of AB looks at the various issues in play: succession planning, pensions and investment options, semi-retirement roles, wellbeing in our later years – and more. 

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February 2022 issue

Read a compilation of articles published in February, including an interview with Shane Cowley, whose been at the forefront of efforts to increase professionalism and governance in Ireland’s charity sector

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January 2022 issue

Read a compilation of articles published in January, including an interview with ACCA president Orla Collins and her focus on ethics and integrity

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