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AB archive

December 2020 issue

Read a compilation of the articles published in December, including an interview with Peter Hyland FCCA, managing director of retailer Carrolls Irish Gifts

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November 2020 issue

Read a compilation of the articles published in November, including a look at the role of accountants in reporting on sustainability

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CPD special edition 2020

This special edition brings together AB articles published during 2020 that offer CPD units

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Careers special edition 2020

This special edition offers insights and advice, and showcases the inspiring stories of members in a variety of roles

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October 2020 issue

Read a compilation of all the articles published in October, including an interview with Bernard Birkett FCCA, discussing the global pharmaceutical industry’s response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic

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September 2020 issue

Read a compilation of all the articles published in September, including an interview with Tony Dunne FCCA on how Covid-19 is shaking up the international banking sector

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