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February 2021 issue



Keeping business on the move

As CEO of dredging company IBC Power, Munazzeel Riasat ACCA is helping Bangladesh tackle the challenges of climate change while also building a thriving business



February 2021 issue

Adaptability is key to sustainability

A roundtable shows senior practitioners in the Gulf expect a shift towards advisory as firms seek a sustainable future amid rising Covid-19 numbers and growing uncertainty


The view from Madeeha Usman FCCA

Director, The Kalculators, Australia




Introducing gender-responsive budgeting

More governments should change their focus to ensure that women are not unfairly penalised



Mapping Covid income support

Figures reveal different levels of income support provided by governments across the globe


As CEO of dredging company IBC Power, Munazzeel Riasat ACCA is helping Bangladesh tackle the challenges of climate change while also building a thriving business

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Dermot King FCCA, CEO of Oakman Inns, says Covid-19 does not mean last orders for the leisure industry

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Alfred Akibo-Betts FCCA has leveraged his networks and a long career in Sierra Leone’s National Revenue Authority by setting up his own firm and a business school

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Marcellino Indrawan ACCA, managing director of a leading food supplier in Indonesia, has brought his corporate-honed skills back home

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