AB Direct ezine

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March 2021 issue



Speak up, speak out

As head of compliance at GSK Consumer Healthcare in Pakistan, Muzna Hussain FCCA is on constant alert for potential non-conformance



Professional skills

Introducing AB’s podcast series

The series of five episodes kicks off by exploring how practitioners can address clients’ shifting priorities



Public procurement to the rescue?

Governments must reshape purchasing private goods and services to deliver value and save struggling SMEs


Recovery tactics

The profession has a huge role to play in rebuilding, restructuring and reimagining the economy post-Covid-19


As head of compliance at GSK Consumer Healthcare in Pakistan, Muzna Hussain FCCA is on constant alert for potential non-conformance

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As we celebrate International Women's Day, we share the words of some inspiring female ACCA members showcased in AB in recent months

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From working with the EU Delegation in Guyana to helping the Swiss-based Global Fund with its mission in Africa, Shevone Lord-Corbin FCCA has not been afraid to push boundaries

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Florence Mauwa FCCA, head of human resources at Telstra Health in Australia, discusses why workplaces need to reflect society

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