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November 2021 issue

AB Magazine - Paul Kilcullen Photographs


Adapt to thrive

Paul Kilcullen FCCA, Country Head and CEO of BNY Mellon’s Irish funds services business, believes the key to business success is to remain flexible


November 2021 issue

In this issue…

Editor’s picks for the November edition



Work and wellbeing

AB podcast: The importance of differentiating your brand

Hear the latest in a new series of AB podcasts for practitioners


For Salman Sharif FCCA, UAE country director of finance at Rixos Hotels, Expo 2020 Dubai is a welcome boost in the wake of the pandemic

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Melanie Richards, founder of CSR Solutions in Trinidad and Tobago, is on a mission to help organisations understand that responsibilities go beyond profit

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An ethos of conscious capitalism underlies the career choices of Jo-Ann Pöhl, CFO of iOCO

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Mo Suleman FCCA, director of resources at Derby Museums, gives a masterclass in pandemic survival and culture-driven urban regeneration

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