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December 2021 issue


In business

Crossborder tax headache

Home-working during the pandemic has raised complex tax issues for Ireland’s crossborder workers


December 2021 issue

In this issue…

Editor’s picks for the December edition



Audit and assurance

Pushing for smarter auditing

The IAASB’s work continues apace despite the pandemic, with chair Tom Seidenstein now focused firmly on the future



December 2021 issue

Pandemic’s PFM lessons for government

A global ACCA survey reveals that all governments have work to do to improve their public financial management systems


Alexander Ashby FCCA, head of markets in group treasury at Tesco, is as likely to be negotiating renewable energy deals as monitoring cashflow

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CIMB chairman Datuk Mohd Nasir Ahmad FCCA believes that the Malaysian banking group is well placed to become a leader in sustainability

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Seeing an accountant in action fired the dreams of a super-competitive eight-year-old Babajide Ibironke, now CFO of Nigerian energy supplier Viathan Group

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HE Riyad Al Mubarak is leading ambitious plans to reform accounting and auditing in the United Arab Emirates

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