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June 2023 issue



Working with AI

Clodagh Monks FCCA, CFO of start-up Clearword, on using technology to make meetings more efficient


June 2023 issue

In this issue…

Editor’s picks for the June edition



June 2023 issue

Law firm accounts overhaul

Reporting accountants need to get to grips with a major update of the solicitors accounts regulations this summer


June 2023 issue

The view from Shahnawaz Mirza FCCA

Partner, financial services audit, Grant Thornton, Dublin



Digital and technology

Visualising government data

The technique is being used to curate complex spending information and make it easier to access, understand and use


Honoured as a Member of the Order of Australia in 2023, Fred Alale AM FCCA has a deep commitment to public service

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Kennedy Kaposa FCCA, CFO at Ditsong Museums of South Africa, is guiding the organisation through turbulent times

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Annette Boulter FCCA, group FD of Hidrostal, is proof that you can still have a high-powered career as an autistic

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The true heart of every business is talent, says David Yu FCCA, CEO of Hudson Greater China

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