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February 2023 issue



Driver of change

Digital innovation is disrupting the traditional car rental sector, as RentalMatics CEO Colm Brady FCCA explains


February 2023 issue

In this issue…

Editor’s picks for the February edition



February 2023 issue

ISSB approves first sustainability standards

Move announced in Montreal as board develops into fully-fledged global sustainability reporting body


ACCA advocate of the year and CommBank executive Val Baynes FCCA co-founded a rugby club in Sydney to help fellow expats feel at home

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Phindile Ndlandla ACCA, CFO at Letshego Eswatini, explains why responding quickly to crises is key to business growth

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Lak Sidhu FCCA has built his career on helping to scale up early-stage businesses

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As financial controller at start-up Cool Inc, former hotel cleaner-turned police officer Hussain Al Qadhi ACCA is focused on Saudi Arabia’s transformation

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