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December 2023 issue



Workplace winners

ACCA members profiled in AB in 2023 reveal their passion and fascination for life, business and everything


December 2023 issue

In this issue…



Future of the profession

Push for growth

There are opportunities for firms to expand even in uncertain conditions, says BDO managing partner Brian McEnery FCCA



Work and wellbeing

What creative thinking can do

Finding novel solutions to get things done can help you and your organisation achieve results


A snapshot of our interviews with high-profile ACCA members around the world

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From grape picking to deal making, Hambledon Vineyard’s Joe Jeffers FCCA is a hands-on FD

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Maryam Abisola Adefarati FCCA, CFO for Microsoft’s Africa cluster, says finance professionals have everything to gain from automation

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ACCA members profiled in AB in 2023 reveal their passion and fascination for life, business and everything

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