I enjoy working with a dynamic team in a close-knit environment advising a wide-range of clients. As audit director, it gives me great satisfaction and pride to create services and provide insights that support and enhance our clients’ businesses.

I‘ve been able to work closely with our fellow member firms to serve our clients’ global needs. Nexia Singapore PAC is a small-to-medium-sized audit firm and a member of Nexia International, an international network of independent accounting firms. The firm was formed in 2020 following the merger of Ardent Associates LLP and CA Trust PAC. I was made an audit partner during my time at Ardent.

Building a great network is not only important for the firm, but for my personal learning experience as well. Throughout my career, ACCA has given me the opportunity to connect and collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds. This has broadened my perspective and fuelled my curiosity to explore networking platforms and to engage in events that I have not attended before. ACCA has pushed me beyond my comfort zone, changing my mindset and helping me make meaningful connections within the community.

I realised accomplishing something while contributing to others is more fulfilling than doing so for oneself

What has inspired me the most is the opportunity to learn and the process of learning. I get to experience so much and am exposed to different industries, cultures, clients, and countries. It’s invaluable to me to have gained so much in such a short timeframe at an early age.

My parents taught me that I need to be self-sustainable, with a good career that would provide a roof over my head even during a recession. They played a significant role in shaping my education. Following my sister’s footsteps, I pursued professional qualifications from CAT to ACCA. With my parents’ unwavering support and resources, I wholeheartedly embraced this career path. My goal was to complete my education as quickly as possible. I got my degree, completed my ACCA studies and joined a Big Four firm in Malaysia.

My earlier years with a Big Four firm gave me the opportunity to work in Singapore. It was here that I gained more than seven years’ experience auditing companies whose businesses involved technology and software solutions/services, retail and F&B, shipping, construction and manufacturing, among others. Prior to Ardent, I spent over eight years in another Big Four firm where I accumulated considerable experience auditing multinationals and publicly listed companies in Singapore and Malaysia.

My biggest achievement to date is achieving a world prize winner award for one of my CAT papers. It won me a full scholarship to pursue ACCA. I was so proud to be able to thank my parents for their love and support. I realised  accomplishing something while contributing to others  is more fulfilling than doing so for oneself. Contributing and making a difference to other people’s lives gives me a real sense of accomplishment.

In business, I strive to become a great leader who fosters innovation and contributes to the growth of the organisation in which I work. Outside of business, my aspirations revolve around personal development, including mental health and wellness. Creating a positive impact on those around me and nurturing meaningful relationships gives me the drive to continuously learn and enhance my mindset and overall wellbeing. Ultimately, I guess making a positive difference both professionally and personally is my key ambition.

I firmly believe that pursuing dreams requires dedication, effort and unwavering passion. That said, I know that working hard is not sustainable if I have not made time to exercise, eat well-balanced meals and get sufficient sleep. I also make time to pursue personal interest qualifications, including fundamental nutrition and Chinese metaphysics certifications.
