Dubai tops the list of popular locations for executive nomads – senior executives or business owners looking to work remotely and achieve a better quality of life in easy-to-access locations. The introduction of a remote working visa in 2021 helped propel the emirate to the top spot.

In second place is the Spanish city of Malaga, followed by Miami, Abu Dhabi and Lisbon, with Barbados and St Lucia also making the top 10. No Asian locations made the index, possibly because remote working holds less appeal in the region’s culture.

While executive nomads share some key general requirements of all digital nomads, such as physical and digital connectivity, they tend to be wealthier and may even have a family in tow, so access to high-quality schooling and world-class healthcare are also factors.

Savills latest Executive Nomad Index analysed 20 destinations based on their appeal and ease of access for long-term remote working execs, then ranked them for their connectivity, climate, prime residential rental market and quality of life.
