I’ve always had a clear career path in my mind and always believed audit firms are the best places to start a career for accounting graduates. They combine a lot of invaluable skills that are essential in the long run. Time spent in audit is an investment for the future.

What drew me to the corporate world was the opportunity to really get close to one specific company, as in audit engagements it is more challenging to dig deeper into just one business or industry. The corporate world has provided the opportunity for me to really understand the business and make a real difference at a more strategic level.

Digitalisation is one of the biggest opportunities for our organisation

Accounting and finance have always been in my family with both my parents working in this field. I have always been fascinated with numbers, how money works, and how we can make it work for us. My career began in 2012 at PwC and subsequently at EY. This was a huge achievement for me as the competition for roles within the Big Four was intense back then and I was competing with hundreds of other applicants.

In 2016 I moved into the fintech industry as a controller for Paysafe. Currently, I am the finance manager for Europe and the managing director of FFW Bulgaria. I have always been determined in chasing my goals, which has often required me to step out of my comfort zone. I feel to make progress it is essential to do this, and it has proved that I am on the right path and that eventually the step will be worth it.

FFW is a global digital platform agency that designs, builds and scales engaging experiences to impact our clients’ businesses. One of our biggest challenges is to attract the right people, with the right skills to fit the culture of the team, with the ultimate goal of retaining them.

Digitalisation is definitely one of the biggest opportunities for our organisation, especially as the post-Covid period accelerated digitisation worldwide. I firmly believe that we are just starting a new phase in global digitisation.

I have been part of the significant growth of FFW in its financial performance and as an organisation. It is truly exciting to me having contributed to this evolution. Also, the fact that I work with people who can have fun while working is something I really enjoy and find very motivating.

We have proved that good professionals do not have geographical boundaries and can work effectively together

Obtaining my ACCA certification in under three years, during busy audit periods with little free time for my studies was a challenging period and one of my biggest achievements. I’m also very proud of setting up a team in Bulgaria responsible for finance and accounting activities across numerous countries. We have proved that good professionals do not have geographical boundaries and can work effectively together, regardless of different cultures, languages and governance.

I would not change any law from a legal standpoint. However, if I had a magic wand, I would see all people in the world have the equal right to live in peace.

If I wasn’t in finance, which I really can’t imagine, I would go into software development.

Hobbies are an essential part of relaxation and distraction from the daily struggles, but they can also help improve your performance at work. I feel that everyone should seek out activities that drive them forward, both mentally and physically, to help their personal and professional wellbeing. In my spare time I enjoy football, skiing and going to the gym.
