The meeting, chaired by ACCA president Joseph Owolabi, was held online, with 302 members in attendance.
Notice and the auditor’s report
The notice of meeting and the auditor’s report on the accounts for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 were taken as read.
The minutes of the AGM held on 10 November 2022 and update published in December 2022 in AB magazine were taken as read and would be signed at the earliest opportunity as correct.
Resolution 1
To receive and adopt the Report of Council and Accounts for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
Joseph Owolabi gave his presidential address and asked Helen Brand (chief executive) to give a presentation. He then took member questions and comments on the report and accounts.
The president called for a poll. The poll was taken and the president declared that the Resolution was carried, the votes being as follows:
For 9,369 Against 114
Resolution 2
To receive the report of the ballot for the election of members of Council.
The Scrutineer’s Report and the number of votes received by each candidate in the ballot for the election of members of Council were reported, as follows:
- Elaine Boyd 6,834
- Winnie Ki 6,360
- Fen Nee Lim 6,286
- Grainne Murphy 6,270
- Matthew Wong 6,231
- Joseph Opeyemi Owolabi 6,163
- Siobhan Pandya 5,428
- Oxana Losevskaya 5,155
- Liz Blackburn 5,054
- Rabia Shaukat 5,006
- Babajide Ibironke 4,539
- Nauman Asif Mian 4,437
- Chengai Ruredzo 4,391
- Heather Smith 4,163
- Sallah-ud-din (Den) Surfraz 4,119
- Manenzhe Manenzhe 4,041
- Fatima Haider 3,359
- Robert Belle 3,084
- Seyi Joseph 3,081
- Abiodun Daveraux Akerele 2,864
- Thomas Galea 2,809
- Damien Skeete 2,701
- Brigitte Nangoyi Muyenga 2,381
- Sarmad Khan 2,335
- Muhammad Ali Khan 2,182
- M Junaid Younas Ghori 1,972
- Raqibul Faiaze Mohammad Ikramah 1,832
- Arslan Cheema 1,734
The deputy president therefore declared the following members to be elected or re-elected to Council:
- Elaine Boyd
- Winnie Ki
- Fen Nee Lim
- Grainne Murphy
- Matthew Wong
- Joseph Opeyemi Owolabi
- Siobhan Pandya
- Oxana Losevskaya
- Liz Blackburn
- Rabia Shaukat
- Babajide Ibironke
- Nauman Asif Mian
Resolution 3
To re-appoint as auditors Grant Thornton UK LLP.
The president reported that Council recommended that Grant Thornton UK LLP be re-appointed as ACCA’s auditors. He then invited questions on Resolution 3.
The president called for a poll. The poll was taken and the president declared that the Resolution was carried, the votes being as follows:
For 8,652 Against 813
The president thanked members for their attendance and their participation in the AGM and the voting process.
The president declared the meeting closed at 2.11pm GMT.