I am a firm believer that nothing will ever grow in a comfort zone. For that reason, I have always welcomed new challenges and responsibilities with open arms, as I believe it’s a sure-fire way to develop professionally.

My father encouraged me towards the profession and the ACCA Qualification. As I progressed in my studies back in my home country of Pakistan, I grew interested in the different subject areas. Now I am proud to be part of my profession and thankful to my father for pushing me in that direction.

Working in audit brings experience and knowledge that you don’t get from books. However, corporates have their benefits, too. I wouldn’t go back to auditing as the corporate world has helped me both financially and professionally.

If I had law-making powers, I would see that women get equal opportunities in the corporate world

The Covid-19 pandemic had a huge negative impact on businesses in Dubai, especially small ones; many have closed, with many more downsizing. The post-pandemic recession is continuing to affect businesses in the emirate. Clients are cutting budgets and employees are not being rewarded as much with bonuses and pay rises. However, this is a land of opportunities and the UAE remains a growing economy.

If I had law-making powers, education would be compulsory for everyone and completely free, giving people from all backgrounds an equal chance to progress and prosper. Education is the one of the basic necessities that every nation needs. I would also see that women get equal opportunities in the corporate world; many companies are doing this already, but I would like to make it enforceable by law.

Every day I try to learn something new, regardless of how difficult or how easy the skill is

What I enjoy about my job is that the learning curve never ends. Every day I try to learn something new, regardless of how difficult or how easy the skill is. I am also fortunate to have a good work-life balance, which unfortunately can be very difficult to maintain these days.

I think my professional growth has been my biggest achievement throughout my career. However, there is still a long way to go, and I would like to work towards a C-suite position. Until that day, I believe that everything I do is a small milestone.

If I wasn’t in finance I would be a fashion designer, which I’ve wanted to do ever since I was young. I enjoy designing clothes and shoes,  and whenever I am not working with numbers, you will find me working on sketches.

In my spare time I enjoy going on camping weekends. I like to travel; I have visited many places and am planning to visit more. I play badminton and I read a lot, and I would also like to learn to swim. When I don’t feel like going out, I enjoy watching Netflix.
