Working for an NGO is very different from working in the corporate world. NGOs are there to make a social impact, not to maximise profit. Also different is the collaborative working culture that NGOs usually have. Accountability for funds provided to donor agencies is key.
As a developing country, Pakistan faces multiple challenges. Political instability, major economic difficulties, energy crises, water scarcity, pollution and social problems are interconnected and require concerted efforts by the government. But this must be supplemented by NGOs as the state is too overstretched to tackle all these issues.

Working for an organisation whose aim is to improve lives is the best part of my job
Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) works to fill in these gaps and has made a huge impact. We have an outreach of 8.6 million rural households in Pakistan, representing a population of 54 million people. Staff have witnessed and documented miracles happening through community self-help initiatives successfully linking into government services. Working for an organisation whose aim is to improve the lives of our communities is the best part of my job.
I was always interested in building a career in business, even though growing up I didn’t have much information about it. But I believed I could develop my financial management skills and this led me to pursue a career in finance.
Starting out in internal audit was tough, as people are often not receptive to criticism
I started out with BDO International as an audit trainee. My first job after qualifying was in internal audit at a fast-moving consumer goods company. It was not easy as people don’t like to feel they are being criticised or their work questioned, particularly by a young internal auditor. However, I learnt a lot from that early experience – it moulded my personality and made me stronger so I can manage most situations I face. While I enjoyed my time in this role, I wanted to use and diversify my knowledge in practical settings to grow my career, so I took a role as an accountant at the non-profit International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, which enabled me to work alongside international partners, government institutions and the private sector.
Being an accountant and a member of a globally recognised institution has served me well
If I had law-making powers, I would have legislation for accountability and establish an independent audit function in every type of organisation. This would improve the current regulatory framework.
I have achieved a lot in my life, although my biggest achievement is my career. I qualified with ACCA when I was only 21 and have since served in several prestigious organisations, both nationally and internationally. Being an accountant and a member of a globally recognised institution has served me well.
When I am not at work, I have always been fond of travelling and visiting new places. If I had not chosen finance, I would have liked to have built a career out of travelling.