With careers in our profession considered to be well paid and high status, I decided to study accounting and finance at university in 2001. I began working as an accounting assistant at the local branch of a multinational construction company. My manager was a dynamic woman with great knowledge of accounting and amazing communication skills – she became my first mentor. In just one year I was promoted to manager of the accounting department. I still remember how excited and nervous I was. It was definitely a step out of my comfort zone.

I then joined one of the biggest energy groups in Greece, Motor Oil Hellas. During that period, I started my ACCA journey with the support of my manager and the company. I was very goal-oriented and good planning helped me to qualify in two and a half years. I believe that the ACCA Qualification equips you with the necessary skills and experience to achieve what you might previously think impossible.

Having a corporate job and an academic career is demanding but I love combining theory and practice daily

I currently hold the position of financial reporting supervisor at Motor Oil Group and I also work as an instructor for an approved learning partner in Greece. Last year I was elected as a representative of the ACCA International Assembly of Greece and aim to further support the way our profession is shaped.

Having a corporate job and an academic career is demanding, but I love combining theory and practice daily. It’s true that a good way to understand a concept is to explain it to someone else, but it is even better if you start implementing the concept in a real-life scenario. I also realised early in my career that I prefer being the preparer of financial information compared to working as an auditor and reviewing that data.

Our current challenge is the gradual transition to the new energy environment. Looking ahead to 2030, the group is moving forward with a very large investment plan, one of the biggest in south-east Europe and is taking clear action on climate change.

If I had law-making powers, I would focus my efforts on providing financial education from an early age. Financial education is a long-term process, but building it into curricula from a young age allows children to acquire the knowledge and skills to develop healthy financial habits. We must bear in mind that younger people are enormously vulnerable to social media and marketing that encourages consumption.

Each day I am presented with new challenges and situations, which helps me stay focused and interested

What I enjoy most about my job is that no day is ever the same. Each day I am presented with new challenges and situations, which really helps me to stay focused and interested. Having a leading role in the automation and digital transformation of the financial reporting of Motor Oil is my biggest accomplishment in the corporate world, while being the instructor of numerous national and worldwide prize-winning students is the  biggest achievement of my academic career.

If I wasn’t an accountant, I would have chosen a career in engineering. Being an engineer means you are paid to use your creativity and it gives you many opportunities to travel the world.

I believe that having interests outside the workplace allows you to become a more well-rounded person. My favourite hobby is travelling because it gives me the opportunity to see amazing new places and understand different cultures. My time spent doing Pilates and Kangoo-Jumps helps me to relieve tension and stress.
