Lata Loungani FCCA is an exemplar for women in business in the Middle East. In the seven years since she joined The Grooming Company Holding (TGCH) – a private equity-owned, UAE-headquartered and largely female-led salon and beauty brand chain – she has worked her way up from finance manager at a subsidiary to group CFO. ‘I hope I serve as a beacon of hope for aspiring female professionals, encouraging them to break barriers and defy societal norms. I want to inspire others to pursue their dreams without fear,’ she says. Read more about her journey.

Artificial intelligence is gaining ground across the GCC, with governments in the region increasingly active in promoting the fast-evolving technology. And a Deloitte survey found that 62% of senior leaders in the region expect to see Al-based transformation in the next two years. Find out how businesses across the Middle East are embracing the technology.

In other technology-related developments, read about India’s in-demand tech skills, their strategic and functional impact on organisations, and approaches to remain competitive as the future of work transforms.

For members in the public sector, we examine how the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board is gearing up to develop sustainability standards based on those developed for corporates, focusing on governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

Finally, if you’re looking to top up your CPD, you can earn units by reading about how being true to yourself is good for both your mental wellbeing and job satisfaction; and how wealth taxes risk undermining corporate decisions.

Further information

See the other regional editions of AB:
