My passion for accountancy started early. Lawyer or doctor were the two common professional career choices in my family when I was growing up, but there were very few accountants, so I decided to change the narrative. However, I must admit that I made this decision without fully understanding the beauty of our profession. I soon discovered that my passion for figures, investigation and analysis resonated perfectly with accounting.

At age 14, I gained acceptance into Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, which is the oldest university-level institution in Africa. After this early achievement, having graduated with a degree in accounting and finance, I joined KPMG, where I also coached junior teammates. I was fast-tracked to audit manager. At this point, I was ready for a change and joined the Petroleum Regulatory Agency of Sierra Leone in finance and administration, working closely with oil businesses, and government ministries and departments. In 2019, I realised my dream of establishing a female-led accountancy practice in Sierra Leone – KTB Professionals, where I am the managing partner.

I value the opportunity to give back to my country by training young accountants

Alongside 15 years’ career experience, I have garnered a number of qualifications. As well as being an FCCA and fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sierra Leone, I am a Certified Internal Auditor (USA), and holder of CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting (UK) and an MSc and BSc Hons. Taking these qualifications has helped to make me versatile and enhanced my career. While they are finance-related with some similarities in subject matter, each is unique in the content and the opportunities they offer. Being a member of several professional bodies makes me visible, which provides increased opportunities for growth and education.

Sierra Leone is a beautiful and peaceful country blessed with great minds. It has many investment opportunities, especially in the mining and agricultural sectors. However, we are still recovering from the impact of Ebola and Covid-19 amid challenging global economic conditions.

My biggest achievement is realising my dream of starting an accountancy firm in Sierra Leone. Four years on, I am still fired with enthusiasm and determined to put a lot of hard work and passion into ensuring its success. I also hope that it will motivate other accountants, regardless of their sex, who dream of establishing a practice, especially in Sierra Leone.

What I enjoy about my job is the constantly evolving reporting requirements and the challenge that comes with this. I like that this ensures that I continuously update myself with current developments so I can help my clients to succeed. I also greatly value the opportunity to give back to my country by training young accountants, helping them attain relevant skills, practical experience and professionalism.

If I had law-making powers I would tackle our tax laws to encourage compliance with tax payments. Promoting growth in the private sector is necessary to help create jobs and drive revenue for the government. As there has been a surge in small and medium-sized businesses, many of them largely informal, I believe a review of the tax laws will encourage these enterprises to be compliant, enhancing their growth, and increase revenue for the government.

I have always had a curious mind and am passionate about solving problems

My favourite quote is: ‘Age ain’t nothing but a number’. In some sectors, age is a factor for certain positions. However, as a young professional, founder and managing partner of a practice, I have proved that anyone can achieve whatever they put their mind to, regardless of age.

If I didn’t work in finance, I would have liked to have been an investigator. I have always had a curious mind and am passionate about solving problems.

In my spare time I love doing puzzles and reading books on different subjects. I also enjoy cooking for the family and teaching my children.
