I started my career in a small accounting office, where I learnt the basics. I then worked in a variety places, including in a shared service centre. My current company is a leading accounting and payroll provider in Poland.

I remained in practice as I enjoy fresh challenges, such as implementing new clients from different industries. I also believe that the fourth industrial revolution will have a huge impact on accountancy, and our business focuses on that by investing in IT solutions for accountants.

For those planning a career in accountancy, outsourcing may be a safe option

In recent times the amount of change in tax law and technology has been so vast that one chief accountant, even highly trained, can’t hope to keep pace with everything. I have seen that internal accounting departments in companies are being eliminated and the accounting processes outsourced.

For those planning a career in accountancy, outsourcing may be a safe option, especially as you have a great opportunity to quickly learn what could take years in an internal accounting function.

However, employee churn level is greater than in most internal accounting departments. Some people like a fast-changing environment but there are others who prefer a calmer job. What I really enjoy in my work is the lack of boredom.

Poland faces many challenges now, both internal and external. In accounting and tax, the biggest problem is frequent changes in our tax law.

We are a well-educated nation and our skills attract investors

However, the country is the leading emerging market in central Europe, benefiting from EU membership. Initially, shared services were located in Poland because companies were often tempted by low labour costs; now, foreign investors like our excellence centres, where salaries are above middle wages. We are a well-educated nation and our skills attract investors.

Before my promotion, I was a team leader; this is where I stepped out of my comfort zone. In a short period of time, the number of projects around me rose to more than 60 from around 20. After becoming a manager, I had to learn to trust my subordinates and focus only on the most critical issues.

If I had the power, I would forbid so many frequent changes in Polish tax law. There is also an unlimited source of clean energy in cold fusion; I would put more resources into developing fusion power, which could solve our civilisation’s energy issues.

My biggest achievement is my family. Professionally, it is my position in a leading Polish accounting provider and my ACCA membership.

If I weren’t an accountant, I would maybe have been a soldier (my father was a paratrooper), farmer or IT specialist. I own a farm, which I rent to another farmer. Who knows? Maybe one day I will use the tractor.

In my time off, I enjoy watching documentaries about space exploration, quantum physics and the universe. I can’t wait for when my daughter is old enough to start discussing these topics with me.
