The ACCA Hong Kong committee pictured with Jane Cheng, head of ACCA Hong Kong (second from right, front row) and Ada Leung, ACCA director, China (far left, front row)

The newly-elected committee for 2020-21 are:

Charles Chan
Wilson Cheng
Stanley Ho
Gorri Lau
Winnie Ki
Julian Leung
Danny Po
Jennifer Tan, vice chairman
Thomas Tang
Venus Tang
Ambrose Ting
Ernest Wong, chairman
Kenneth Wong, immediate past chairman

ACCA Hong Kong’s virtual celebration was held on 18 September, via a Facebook Live broadcast shortly after the Annual General Meeting, bringing together the newly-elected chairman and committee members for the term 2020-21, as well as Hong Kong-based council members.

Ernest Wong FCCA, president and group CFO of KVB Holdings Limited, was elected chairman of ACCA Hong Kong.

Participating in the online celebration was guest of honour Hong Kong Financial Secretary Paul Chan FCCA who delivered a congratulatory speech. ACCA president Jenny Gu – speaking in Cantonese – sent a video message from mainland China to ACCA members and stakeholders.

Celebrating 70 years of growth is a great achievement – which is the effort of many generations of ACCA professionals, and the leadership of past chairmen over the seven decades. To acknowledge this important milestone, ACCA Hong Kong brought together some of the past chairmen – including one aged 92 whose tenure was from 1977-79 – in a fun video illustrating how generations of members have helped pass on the ACCA legacy.

The Facebook Live event had over 3,000 views along with many messages of congratulations from the accounting community in Hong Kong.

Since 1950, ACCA has been growing alongside Hong Kong on its journey in becoming the world’s financial centre. With the support of members, future members, employers and partners, ACCA Hong Kong has become a strong force for public good, advancing the local accounting profession and the economy.

Back in May, stakeholders were invited to submit a photograph of themselves for a mosaic artwork, highlighting the connections made by many generations of members over seven decades. The accompanying video commemorates the incredible contributions made by the vibrant and supportive ACCA community in Hong Kong.
