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December 2023 issue



Putting the fizz in accountancy

From grape picking to deal making, Hambledon Vineyard’s Joe Jeffers FCCA is a hands-on FD


December 2023 issue

In this issue…

Editor’s picks for the December edition



Professional skills

Supporting women returners

Introducing a returnship programme can help those back from a career hiatus to realise their potential


A snapshot of our interviews with high-profile ACCA members around the world

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From grape picking to deal making, Hambledon Vineyard’s Joe Jeffers FCCA is a hands-on FD

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Maryam Abisola Adefarati FCCA, CFO for Microsoft’s Africa cluster, says finance professionals have everything to gain from automation

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ACCA members profiled in AB in 2023 reveal their passion and fascination for life, business and everything

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